Message for Friday – Al-Islam calls for oneness

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد خاتم النبيين وإمام المرسلين، وعلى جميع إخوانه من النبيين والمرسلين، وآل كل وصحب كل أجمعين وبعد


جل الله القائل: {إن هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة وأنا ربكم فاعبدون}سورة الأنبياء: [الآية: 92]

G’d says in the Qur’an:

Surely this community, your community is one, and I am your Lord, so worship Me [alone].


Al-Islam is the religion of oneness and monotheism.  G’d is One, His religion is one, and the common objectives of His religion are one.  The foremost of these objectives is to worship Him alone without associating any partners with Him and not to falsely attribute anything to Him.


Futhermore, G’d calls us towards oneness and to call others towards this oneness, not with the mentality of a conqueror but with equity.  The call towards oneness is not a specific call towards a sect or political body, but a call towards the Creator whose souls are His property, not the property of men.


يقول تعالى: {يا أيها الناس إنا خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوباً وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم}(سورة الحجرات: [الآية: 13].).

The Most High says:

Oh People!  Surely, We created you from one male and one female, and made you into [different] nations and tribes that you may know each other. Surely the most honorable of you with G’d are those who are the most regardful.

ويقول نبينا الأعظم صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((الخلق كلهم عيال الله فأحبهم إلى الله أنفعهم لعياله))(أبو يعلى في مسنده، والبزار والطبري عن أنس وابن مسعود [كنز العمال جـ6 ص360].).

Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) said, “The creation, all of them, are dependents of G’d, and the most beloved to G’d are those who benefit most His dependents.”


Al-Islam clearly articulates that humans have one Creator and were created from one human type, Adam (AS).  Man’s human creation, which G’d made to have different tribal and political orientations based upon social needs, is to be understood as having one common destiny.   When people of various groups recognize others, their natural logic will bring them towards oneness, that man is dependent upon the One and that man’s progression in this life is based upon correctly worshipping Him.  Moreover, the worshipping of the One reminds humans of their intrinsic connection with the first human type, Adam (AS), and that what effects one from this one can benefit or harm all.


بقول الله تعالى: {ولا تنازعوا فتفشلوا وتذهب ريحكم}(سورة الأنفال: [الآية: 46].)

G’d says:

And do not separate from each other, so that you become weak and your strength leaves you.


People of faith become weak when they seek division, leaving oneness and the common concerns and interests for the preference of selfish interests.  Fomenting division and pitting man against fellow man is disobedience towards the One.  Such division breeds animosity and rancor, which eventually comes back to visit those who sow the seeds of division.


و بمنهج المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم القائل: ((أيها الناس إن ربكم واحد، وإن أباكم واحد، كلكم لآدم وآدم من تراب، إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم، وليس لعربي على أعجمي، ولا لأعجمي على عربي، ولا لأحمر على أبيض، ولا لأبيض على أحمر فضل إلا بالتقوى – ثم قال صلى الله عليه وسلم -: اللهم فاشهد))(البيهقي عن جابر مرفوعاً.).

The method of the Muhammad, the Chosen One (SAAS) was clearly stated by him:

“Oh People! Surely your Lord is one, and your father [Adam] is one. All of you are from Adam (AS), and Adam (AS) was from dust. Surely the most honorable of you with G’d are those who are the most regardful. And Arab is not better than the non-Arab, the non-Arab is not better than the Arab, the person of color is not better than the White person, nor is the White person better than the person of color. The best person is the most regardful.”


في الحديث الصحيح أن جنازة مرت أمام النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقام لها، فقيل له إنه يهودي، فقال: ((أليست نفساً ؟))(متفق عليه.).

A funeral one day came pass the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS), and he (SAAS) stood up for it in respect. Someone then said to him that the person is Jewish. The Prophet (SAAS) then retorted, “But wasn’t she a [precious] human soul?!”


Al-Islam calls for respect for the sacred rights and the sanctity of all human life, its sanctity that was made precious when created by the Divine.  The religion of G’d does not call for respect for one’s own group but disrespect for others.  The religion does not allow prosperity for one’s self promotion but promoting depravity for others.  Any group that calls for this is far away from the religion of G’d even if they claim faith.


سأل أبي بن كعب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: أمن العصبية أن يحب الرجل قومه ؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم: ((ولكن من العصبية أن ينصر قومه على الظلم))(المرجع السابق.).

A man asked the Prophet (SAAS), “Is it from sectarian that a man loves his people?” The Prophet (SAAS) replied, “No, but it is from sectarianism when a man helps his people in wrong doing and oppression.”


Seeking oneness does not mean ignoring the differences that G’d made for humans to express.  G’d is He who gave man different skin colors, languages, and political yearnings based upon environmental differences.  Respecting G’d means respecting these variations.  However, uplifting one’s own group to intentionally harm others is against true religion.


فقال: ((آل محمد كل تقي))( الطبراني في الأوسط عن أنس.) وأبدل نسب التقوى بنسب الجسد فقال: ((سلمان منا أهل البيت))(الطبراني والحاكم عن عمرو بن عوف.).

The Prophet (SAAS) said, “The family of Muhammad is ever regardful person.”  He (SAAS) also taught his followers that piety was the true connection with him (SAAS) not being connected through blood ties.  Another saying of his (SAAS) that affirms this is “Salman [the Persian] is from the people of our household.”



والحمد لله رب العالمين

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