MSU’s Islamophobic professor & the 1st Amendment

Islamophobic, xenophobic bigot Indrek Wichman

Islamophobic, xenophobic bigot Indrek Wichman

It’s amazing that after 3 years, new blog posts are popping up declaring Prof. Indrek Wichman of Michigan State University (MSU) as a hero of the 1st Amendment.

In 2006, Wichman was reprimanded by MSU officials for an offensive e-mail that he sent to the Muslim Students Association (MSA) while using tax-payer property (university computer/MSU faculty e-mail account).

In the early part of 2008, Wichman had a scheduled speech canceled at the Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills, which was sponsored by MSU’s chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) to further his Islamophobic, xenophobic agenda.

MSU’s YAF, by the way, is the only student organization in the USA, which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) designated as a “hate group.”

Just as Wichman has the right to articulate his views, even if Islamophobic under the 1st Amendment, we have the right to question the appropriateness of a tenured professor using state owned property paid for by tax-payer dollars to send hate filled e-mails to MSA members, including members who take his classes.  Likewise, we also have the right under the 1st Amendment to challenge Wichman and those who hold similar views.

That’s America!