Musa Al-Jawn: Pious & Knowledgeable Revolutionary

Musa  Al-Jawn (RA) was a transmitter of Islamic knowledge and a mujahid in the early generations of the Ummah.

Musa  Al-Jawn was a Hashimite and the son of Imam Abdullah bin Al-Hasan bin Al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abi Talib (AS).  He was described as having black/aswad skin.

Regarding his character, Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal stated that Musa Al-Jawn was a righteous man.  Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi and Adh-Dhahabi stated that Yahya bin Ma’in viewed him as trustworthy pertaining to his narrations of ahadith.

Ibn Khaldun states that Musa Al-Jawn participated with his brother Imam An-Nafs Az-Zakiyyah Muhammad bin Abdillah (AS) in an uprising against the first Abbasi khalifah Abu Ja’far Al-Mansur.  It is also narrated by Al-Bayhaqi that he was imprisoned, beaten and martyred in prison in the uprising; An-Nafs Az-Zakiyyah was also martyred in the process.  Malik bin Anas (RA) supported the uprising of An-Nafs Zakiyyah as well as a later one by his brother Imam Ibrahim bin Abdillah (AS), which led to Imam Ibrahim being martyred like his brothers; Malik was subsequently imprisoned and beaten for his support of the Hashimites.

Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Al-Jilani (RH), Hanbali jurist and father of the Al-Qadiriyyah order, has Musa Al-Jawn in his family tree.