‘Rejecting Claims That Prophet Muhammad Was Anti-Jewish’

My brief talk from last night at the Islamic Center of Detroit gave an explanation to the claims that Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) was anti-Jewish.

Click here for YouTube clip.

Specifically, I give a brief explanation of the hadeeth, which states that the people who received G-d’s wrath before Prophet Muhammad’s nation were Jewish people as well as giving explanation of the story regarding the execution of Jewish men, who committed treason at the Battle of the Ditch during Prophet Muhammad’s time.

2 thoughts on “‘Rejecting Claims That Prophet Muhammad Was Anti-Jewish’

  1. If the Prophet Muhammad wan not anti Jewish then answer these to questions:

    1. Can Muhammad recognize Israel as a state government that should exist?

    2. Would the Prophet Muhammad recogize Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations?

    If “Yes” is given two BOTH questions then Muhammad was anti-Jewish. If not, he was hateful and a bigot.

    • You’re assertions are ridiculous. However, I will answer these.

      Prophet Muhammad, who passed away 1,400 years ago, can’t be asked to answer whether a nation-state called Israel should exist from 1948 to the present. He taught that Muslims MUST recognize His brother in the prophetic family, Israel aka Ya’qub (Jacob), to be authentic Muslims.

      Again, your second question relates to your first.

      Prophet Muhammad taught against harming all civilians, which would include Israel’s slaughter of Palestinian & Lebanese Christians and Muslims including women and children as well as instances in which Hamas has killed civilians. It doesn’t matter if Jews or Arabs are doing the killing of civilians; both are wrong and are unjustifiable. Israel just has killed way more civilians than Arabs, which is a fact supported by empirical data.

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